A community band has existed in Auburn, in various forms, for more than 150 years , and the members of Auburn Winds are proud to carry on this tradition. The purpose of Auburn Winds is to provide musical services to the public, promote music education and provide enjoyment to its participating musicians. Photo - Auburn Winds giving a free concert at the Auburn State Theatre.
Provide civic, charitable, and community services by offering musical performances to the public.
Photo - Auburn Winds provides patriotic music, including marches from each military branch, each year during the 9/11 remembrance ceremony at Auburn Cruise Nite on the porch of the Promenade Building in downtown Auburn.
Support local school music programs through educational presentations and concerts.
Photo - Auburn Winds presenting a Halloween concert for elementary school children at the Auburn State Theatre.
Provide an organization where musicians can develop their instrument performance skills.
Photo - Auburn Winds trumpet players performing during a free concert at the Auburn State Theatre.
Our conductor, Jim Kepfer, is a local teacher and accomplished musician. Mr. Kepfer currently teaches music at several Auburn area schools.
Auburn Mayor Matthew Spokely proclaimed Auburn Winds to be the official town band of Auburn at the December 19, 2016 city council meeting.
Auburn Winds, formerly Auburn Concert Band, incorporated as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization September 4, 2015 and took over operations of the Auburn Concert Band on August 1, 2016. A volunteer board of directors oversees operations.
To ensure the continued growth and success of Auburn Winds, the band needs your support. The band's tax ID number is 47-5083037. Please consider giving a donation through Paypal below.
Or give when you shop on Amazon through AmazonSmile. Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice.